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Vecode solutions

The atmospheric heat transport convergence at 65°S is shown in dashed red. (a) Relative changes (%) of 500-hPa zonal mean wind anomalies averaged between 60° and 45°S in TR (cyan). (d) Power spectrum of zonally averaged net longwave flux at 65°S (blue line), net shortwave flux (cyan dashed), and heat transport convergence (red) at 65°S.

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(c) Power spectrum (using Hanning window with a window width of 200 yr) of Antarctic temperature composite (gray line) and simulated zonal mean surface temperature anomalies at 75°S in TR (red).

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(b) Zonally averaged contributions to the annual mean anomalies of the stationary atmospheric heat budget (W m −2) at 65°S resulting from top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) net shortwave radiation (dashed cyan), TOA outgoing longwave radiation (solid blue), and the convergence of atmospheric heat transport (solid red) for the TR experiment. Anomalies are defined relative to the long-term (0–408 ka) mean of the time series. 2013, see their supplementary Database S1) and simulated zonal mean surface temperature anomalies at 75°S in TR (red solid) and TRnoCO2 (dashed blue). (a) Composite of Antarctic temperature anomalies (K gray line) obtained from an Antarctic ice-core composite ( Parrenin et al. The transient eddies are obtained by applying a 2–8-day bandpass filter to the simulated wind velocities. Negative (positive) values in the Southern (Northern) Hemisphere indicate a reduction of the magnitude of the surface temperature gradient.Īnnual mean zonally averaged transient eddy momentum flux convergence anomaly (10 −6 m s −2) between and. (c) Difference of zonally averaged annual mean temperature gradient between and. (a) Meridional section of annual mean zonally averaged zonal winds (contours m s −1) and annual mean difference between zonally averaged zonal winds (shading m s −1) simulated by LOVECLIM in and. (b) As in (a), but for difference between and. (a) Annual mean surface air temperature difference (☌ shading) and 800-hPa wind difference between simulations and, respectively. (bottom) Simulated Southern Hemisphere sea ice area in LOVECLIM TR (magenta line, note the reversed ordinate) in comparison to the EPICA Dome C sea salt flux ( Wolff et al. (top) Simulated ice volume in meters of sea level equivalent ( Ganopolski and Calov 2011) compared to the average of ice volume estimates (blue line) from Waelbroeck et al. Contour interval is 0.05 the zero contour line is not drawn. (c) Hovmöller diagram of zonally averaged annual mean net surface shortwave anomalies (W m −2 shading) simulated by the LOVECLIM experiment TR and anomalies of the simulated annual mean albedo (contours) over the last 408 ka as a function of latitude. (b) Hovmöller diagram of Q 0(1 − α p), where α p represents the latitudinal profile of present-day planetary albedo (shading). Contour interval is 0.1 W m −2 (° lat) −1 the zero contour line is not drawn.

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Even Google will not throw much information about this incident.(a) Hovmöller diagram of annual mean insolation anomalies Q 0 (W m −2 shading) and anomalies of the annual mean meridional insolation gradient (∂ Q 0/∂ y contours) over the last 408 ka as a function of latitude. Not even single media house covered this story. The braveheart lost his life on 13th December. He was admitted to a nearby hospital and was later sifted to Delhi. He was in no condition to save the third child but entered the house to only come out saving the third but received 95% burns. He sustained 85% of burn by the time he saved the first two children and decided to save the third one. Without thinking and entered the house to safe 3 children who were trapped inside. On 7th of Dec, Cadet Amit Raj of Sainik School(Purulia) was at his hometown in Bihar when he heard people shouting at his neighbourhood. We only get to see sh*t on news but nothing else. But do you know who was Cadet Amit Raj? I know your answer and I don't completely blame you for this. We also know which actor wear which designer cloth. We know that Anushka Sharma is expecting her first child.

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We all know that Kareena Kapoor is expecting a second child.

Vecode solutions